“It's  NOT  all  in  the  mind”

Research has shown for quite some time that our body stores our memories and experiences.

Polyvagal Theory explores the way our brain connects with our body and has discovered that the vagus nerve (the longest cranial nerve in the body - stretching from the brainstem all the way down to the stomach) can influence our emotional and psychological state.

Using something called ‘Safe & Sound Protocol’, we are able to engage/stimulate the vagus nerve through sound vibrations; ultimately increasing safety and relaxation in the body and brain.

This integrative approach can help you…

  • Feel Better: “respond effectively to life’s challenges. Respond vs React, replacing emotionally-charged reactivity with controlled responsiveness and resilience.”

  • Think Better: “Access higher learning and cognition. Learn and retain important facts and concepts that enable greater confidence and societal contribution.”

  • Connect Better: “Build positive social relationships. Develop relationships and truly connect with others.”