pmdd skills & SUPPORT

8 Week Series

Weekly Group. Virtual


Monday 6pm 

(2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1)

Why Join This Group:

  • Community support: Joining this group offers a sense of belonging and understanding within a community that shares similar experiences with PMDD. You’ll find validation, empathy, and support, combating the isolation that often accompanies PMDD.

  • Empowerment through skills: Learn and practice skills derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), customized to address the challenges posed by PMDD. 

  • Hope and healing: Envision a future liberated from the grip of PMDD, where despair and isolation no longer dictate your life. By sharing your story and embracing this journey towards healing, discover hope and a path forward. You deserve a life where emotions are experienced without the suffocating weight of PMDD. 

What Can you Expect in our PMDD Group? 

Week 1: Introduction and Mindfulness

Week 2: Emotional Regulation

Week 3: Distress Tolerance

Week 4: Interpersonal Effectiveness

Week 5: Mindfulness Revisited

Week 6: Emotional Regulation Revisited

Week 7: Distress Tolerance Revisited

Week 8: Integration and Reflection

This Group is Perfect For You If….

Do you feel like there are two sides to yourself? 

  • The side that’s in control, content emotionally and physically, and looks forward to things.

  • This other side that feels overwhelmed, depressed and anxious, exhausted and in pain. 

People may have invalidated your experience, they may say “it’s just PMS” or “welcome to being a woman.” But you know it’s more than just PMS. You know that being born a female shouldn’t come with monthly dread, isolation, constantly fluctuating moods. 

There’s a name for this, and no, it’s not PMS. You can tell the difference between PMS and PMDD pretty simply, PMS does not consistently negatively impact your daily life. It’s not just sadness, it’s depression. It’s not just feeling a bit snappy, it’s anger and irritability. Daily tasks and relationships are not just tough, they feel impossible. 

When you take a poll of your female friends, they talk about getting ‘crampy’ and ‘bitchy’ but this heavy depression, isolation, and pain is nothing they have ever experienced. That’s how you know PMS and PMDD are not the same thing. 

For the longest time you may have internalized all of the invalidating responses you’ve received  and felt shameful of your experience. Your menstrual cycle felt like it kept your sparkle, your light, your joy hostage. You’re not alone, there is support and understanding out there. 

PMDD is a depressive mood diagnosis and symptoms usually last 1-2 weeks before menstruation. Tracking your moods during your cycle is helpful for diagnosis. There are tons of apps out there, find one you prefer or track your moods in a journal.  Some app recommendations are P Tracker or Stardust. 

The experience of having PMDD can feel incredibly isolating. You are not alone. Even in your toughest moments there is a community that understands the specific challenges you are faced with. Both aspects of yourself- the one that feels in control and the one immersed in pain- are recognized and acknowledged. Your journey is seen. 

As you consider possibly entering a supportive group or individual therapy, envision a future where isolation and despair are no longer holding you and your future hostage. Picture a life where your emotional landscape, your motivation, your sense of worth, and what makes you, you is not dictated by the calendar. A future where you are free to feel your emotions without the suffocating weight of PMDD. 

Your journey towards healing is courageous.

There is hope and a path forward.

Reach out, share your story, and let the light in.

Metanoia Therapy’s PMDD group is created so that you will have a sense of community in the midst of isolation.

My hope for you joining is that you find validation and support in your journey.

In this group, you will learn skills that are utilized in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and tailored to the unique experience of PMDD.