In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to lose touch with our bodies. We often ignore the subtle signals they send us, pushing through fatigue, stress, and discomfort without a second thought. But what if tuning into these bodily sensations could offer valuable insights into our emotional well-being, stress levels, and overall health? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of somatic awareness and why it's essential to listen to your body's signals.

Think about the last time you found yourself reaching for that extra cookie despite feeling full, or pushing through a workout despite nagging pain or exhaustion. These are just a few examples of how we often disregard our body's signals, choosing to prioritize external demands over our internal needs. But the consequences of ignoring these signals can be significant, leading to chronic stress, burnout, and diminished overall health.

So why is it crucial to tune into our body's signals? Developing somatic awareness can have profound effects on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By paying attention to bodily sensations, we gain valuable insights into our emotions, stress levels, and overall state of health. Research has shown that cultivating somatic awareness through practices like mindfulness and body scan meditations can reduce stress, improve emotional regulation, and enhance resilience.

Somatic awareness, often referred to as 'body awareness,' is the practice of tuning into and becoming aware of the physical sensations and experiences happening within our bodies. It involves paying attention to signals such as tension, relaxation, warmth, tingling, or discomfort, without judgment or interpretation. By cultivating somatic awareness, we develop a deeper understanding of how our bodies respond to stress, emotions, and external stimuli. This heightened awareness can offer valuable insights into our emotional well-being, stress levels, and overall state of health, empowering us to make informed choices and better care for ourselves.

Steps to Enhance Somatic Awareness / Body Awareness:

  1. Set Aside Time for Body Scan: Dedicate regular time for a body scan meditation, where you systematically bring attention to each part of your body, noticing any sensations or discomfort.

  2. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindful activities such as yoga, tai chi, or simply paying attention to bodily sensations during everyday tasks.

  3. Journaling: Keep a somatic awareness journal where you can jot down any physical sensations or feelings you notice throughout the day.

  4. Use Descriptive Words: Expand your vocabulary of somatic description words to articulate your bodily experiences, such as "tingling," "tightness," "warmth," or "heaviness."

  5. Reflect and Interpret: Reflect on your somatic experiences and consider what these sensations might be indicating about your emotional state or overall well-being.

Check out Metanoia’s YouTube channel for our recorded mindfulness exercises from Metanoia Therapy staff and begin practicing right away.

Body Scan - Different Parts of the Body


  • Scalp: Notice any tension, itching, or discomfort.

  • Forehead: Check for furrowing or relaxation of the brow.

  • Temples: Pay attention to any sensations of pressure or pulsing.

  • Eyes: Notice if they feel tired, strained, or relaxed.

  • Nose: Check for any congestion or sensations of openness.

  • Mouth: Notice any tension in the jaw, teeth clenching, or relaxation of the mouth.

  • Ears: Pay attention to any sensations of fullness, pressure, or ringing.

  • Chin: Notice any tension or relaxation in the muscles of the jawline.

Neck and Shoulders:

  • Neck: Check for stiffness, soreness, or ease of movement.

  • Throat: Notice any sensations of tightness, constriction, or relaxation.

  • Collarbones: Pay attention to any sensations of openness or tension.

  • Shoulders: Check for tension, heaviness, or discomfort in the shoulder muscles.

  • Upper back: Notice any areas of stiffness, tension, or discomfort along the upper spine.

Chest and Torso:

  • Chest: Notice any sensations of tightness, constriction, or ease in the chest area.

  • Heart: Pay attention to any sensations of fluttering, pounding, or steadiness.

  • Ribcage: Check for any areas of tension, stiffness, or discomfort in the ribcage.

  • Abdomen: Notice any feelings of bloating, tension, discomfort, or relaxation.

  • Lower back: Pay attention to any sensations of stiffness, tension, or discomfort along the lower spine.

Arms and Hands:

  • Upper arms: Check for any sensations of heaviness, tingling, or discomfort.

  • Elbows: Notice any sensations of stiffness, tension, or ease of movement.

  • Forearms: Pay attention to any sensations of warmth, tingling, or numbness.

  • Wrists: Check for any sensations of stiffness, tension, or discomfort.

  • Hands: Notice any sensations of warmth, coldness, tingling, or discomfort in the hands and fingers.

Legs and Feet:

  • Thighs: Check for any sensations of heaviness, fatigue, or discomfort in the thigh muscles.

  • Knees: Notice any sensations of stiffness, tension, or discomfort in the knee joints.

  • Calves: Pay attention to any sensations of tightness, cramping, or discomfort in the calf muscles.

  • Ankles: Check for any sensations of stiffness, instability, or discomfort in the ankle joints.

  • Feet: Notice any sensations of warmth, coldness, tingling, or discomfort in the feet and toes.

100 Words to Describe the Sensations in Your Body

  1. Tingling

  2. Throbbing

  3. Pulsating

  4. Aching

  5. Stinging

  6. Sharp

  7. Dull

  8. Tight

  9. Heavy

  10. Light

  11. Warm

  12. Cold

  13. Numb

  14. Tingly

  15. Tense

  16. Relaxing

  17. Fluttering

  18. Twisting

  19. Burning

  20. Itching

  21. Prickling

  22. Shooting

  23. Electric

  24. Radiating

  25. Spreading

  26. Sore

  27. Cramping

  28. Pounding

  29. Tugging

  30. Pulling

  31. Tenderness

  32. Stiffness

  33. Flexibility

  34. Bloating

  35. Swelling

  36. Sensitivity

  37. Clenched

  38. Relaxed

  39. Taut

  40. Lax

  41. Full

  42. Empty

  43. Constricted

  44. Open

  45. Lightness

  46. Heaviness

  47. Vibrant

  48. Dizzy

  49. Lightheaded

  50. Grounded

  51. Floating

  52. Sinking

  53. Weightless

  54. Clammy

  55. Dry

  56. Moist

  57. Sluggish

  58. Energized

  59. Nauseous

  60. Bloated

  61. Expansive

  62. Constricted

  63. Achy

  64. Radiating

  65. Contracted

  66. Expanded

  67. Stretched

  68. Thirsty

  69. Fatigued

  70. Rested

  71. Hyper

  72. Hypo

  73. Numb

  74. Sensation

  75. Painful

  76. Pleasurable

  77. Agonizing

  78. Soothing

  79. Sizzling

  80. Prickly

  81. Taut

  82. Supple

  83. Jittery

  84. Quivering

  85. Unsettled

  86. Solid

  87. Hollow

  88. Edgy

  89. Loose

  90. Spacious

  91. Compact

  92. Tense

  93. Relaxed

  94. Coiled

  95. Serene

  96. Restless

  97. Rested

  98. Wobbly

  99. Unstable

  100. Anchored

In a world that often values productivity over self-care, cultivating somatic awareness offers a powerful antidote. By listening to and honoring our body's signals, we can deepen our connection with ourselves, enhance our resilience, and reclaim our vitality. So let's commit to tuning into our bodies, one sensation at a time, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment that awaits.

Ready to deepen your somatic awareness and embark on a journey of self-discovery? Schedule a therapy session with Metanoia Therapy today. Our compassionate therapists are here to support you on your path to greater well-being and self-understanding.

Tia Wilcek

Metanoia Therapy offers integrative therapy for teens and adults experiencing trauma, anxiety, self-doubt, and big life transitions. We see therapy as a way to healing your mind, body, and spirit. 

Our therapy services include, counseling for teens and adults, trauma and PTSD therapy, EMDR therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), counseling for managing difficult relationship and dealing with big life events, therapy for anxiety, and counseling for childhood traumatic experiences.
